Triangle’s Pie Day
Save the date! March 9th is the celebration of Triangle Pie Day, in efforts to raise money for charity. Our proceeds will be going to support cancer treatment and cost for families in the tristate area, through our philanthropy, Kosair Charities.
We will be having many exciting opportunities to showcase some wonderful pies, and you can take slices as well through our bake sale. The event will be from 5:30-10pm, with a competition hosted at 8pm. We hope to see you there!
Triangle Fraternity cares about giving back to the community, and to support the brothers who have dealt with childhood cancer, we are raising funds for Kosair to help treat childhood cancer. March 9th is our Triangle Pie Day philanthropy. If you are interested in buying a shirt for our event, we are selling shirts to raise funds for Kosair. All proceeds go toward the charity, and you get to earn a nice piece of Triangle swag in recognition of our chapter.
Contact Br. Nathan Simpson with any questions (859)-612-9479 or